3/22/22 — Click here to view the contest winners

Albany County Clean Water Advocates is sponsoring an International Water Day Poster Contest. All ages may enter.
1st Place: $100 | 2nd Place: $75 | 3rd Place: $50
Design a poster that visually shows any of the following:
- Why water is the most important resource on the planet
- What groundwater is
- What the aquifer looks like and how it works
- What a spring is and how it works
Include the text “World Water Day, 3/22/22”
Poster Size: 18″ x 24″
Due Date: March 15, 2022
Entries must include: Name, address, phone number, and email address
Drop off posters at NU2U Thrift Store, 320 S. 5th Street from 10am-7pm (open 7 days a week)
Digital copies can be sent to [email protected] for website display.
Winners will be notified by March 18, 2022. Winning posters to be displayed at the Laramie Courthouse.
If you have questions, email [email protected].