
Important Documents related to the Casper Aquifer

CAPP: Casper Aquifer Protection Plan
CAPA: Casper Aquifer Protection Area
APOZ: Aquifer Protection Overlay Zone


Albany County

The Albany County Commissioners adopted the Casper Aquifer Protection Plan (CAPP) in July 2023.  This is the 2nd update to the original CAPP. It also re-unifies the Albany County and City of Laramie aquifer protection plans, which were separated for over a decade.

The updated CAPP follows the basic format of previous versions, but incorporates newer geologic information, water-quality data, and includes discussion of the latest septic system technologies.

Land use regulation for aquifer protection is accomplished through the Albany County Zoning Resolution.  Recent important changes to that regulation include establishment of a minimum lot size of 35 acres for new subdivisions on the aquifer and a prohibition on expansion of pre-existing, non-conforming uses.

The most recent amendments to the Zoning Resolution were adopted in January 2024, pertaining to the definition of the western boundary of the aquifer protection area.

Through Albany County Planning & Zoning Commission, the county continues the process of further amending its regulations to reflect the new CAPP.  Amendments are being added incrementally; the complete revision is expected to be completed over the course of 2024.

The vast majority (approximately 97%) of the Casper Aquifer Protection Area is solely within the jurisdiction of Albany County government, although the small portion within City of Laramie jurisdiction has proportionately higher development pressure.

City of Laramie

The Casper Aquifer Protection Plan approved by the Laramie City Council in 2023. As noted above, the dual plans that existed for over a decade were reunited with the latest update.

The following link goes to the current (2017) City of Laramie ordinance implementing the Casper Aquifer Protection Plan. Enrolled Ordinance No. 1527, “An Ordinance to Replace Laramie Municipal Code Chapter 17.82 the Aquifer Protection Overlay Zone in its Entirety for the Long Term Protection of the City of Laramie’s Municipal Water Supply.” The updated (2023) APOZ boundary within the city limits can be found here.

Map to accompany the City of Laramie aquifer protection ordinance.

City of Laramie Casper Aquifer Protection Plan Overview

Regulatory Actions

In February 2020, an inspector from the Underground Storage Tank Program within the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality conducted an on-site inspection at the Tumbleweed gas station. The inspection resulted in a citation to Tumbleweed for violating state law by failing to report and investigate a suspected tank leak. The inspector ordered an immediate tank tightness test which, fortunately, the facility passed. The citation and associated documents can be found here. A letter to the editor regarding the citation can be read here.


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